Zinc Roof- Maintenance and Painting

On the 3rd of May 2021, Tremco started a roofing project for Marina Venter at 755 Hanny street in Pretoria Gardens. Upon the initial inspection, Kyle (Tremco’s technical advisor) found numerous openings in the zinc roof causing leakages to occur inside Marina’s house. These openings could be because of missing or loose screws, Zinc that has been damaged due to rust, damaged zinc caused by our climate (rain, sun, wind), inlets or outlets for geysers or solar panels, poor application of waterproofing, and blockages of valleys or gutters.
Marina’s roof had a combination of wear and tear factors which included rust, missing or loose screws, and loose plates. Tremco began the roof repair by opening the zinc roof, replacing the rotten zinc which was badly rusted and replaced the rotten 2 x 3 (76mm x 50mm) purlins which are supporting the zinc sheets. Rotten purlins are a result of the wood being exposed to water (rain), thus causing a ripple effect: zinc sheets lifting because the screws cannot fasten into the wood, watermarks on the ceiling, leakages throughout the house, and the integrity of the roof structure being tested.
After replacing the rotten wood and sheets, Tremco fastened the zinc sheets with 8mm coach screws and bonded washers. It is important to treat the rest of the roof, this involves treating rust on the remainder of zinc by use of a metal brush (removing rust) and then treating with an electrochemical primer. Next step! Seal all sheet overlaps, screws, ridges, hips, valleys and flashings with our tried and tested Eco-plasticryl system. The system is a mixture of a plasticryl waterproofing product that is applied to a polyester membrane. Once the roof has been sealed, Tremco will paint the roof with two coats of Plascon Roof paint (applied by a specialized Spray machine).
Tremco only uses the best products and most qualified craftsmen which allows Tremco to give their clients a 5-year guarantee.

Here are a few photos of the process from start to finish.